Every 22 minutes in the US, a family is forced to say goodbye to their baby due to a stillbirth.
To compound this loss, many are given limited time with their baby after delivery for multiple reasons. Together, we can ensure families have the time to bond with their babies. Studies have shown that the amount of time spent with their baby is proportional to ongoing maternal mental health.
The reality of death cannot be ignored, unfortunately. Cooling a stillborn baby is essential. Cooling units like Cuddle Cots© and Caring Cradles© give families more time with their babies to say hello before they have to say goodbye for good. While it never makes up for not seeing their child hit all the milestones, the time with the baby post-delivery is just as cherished for a family of a stillborn. These are moments they will never have the opportunity to experience again. Families can take pictures, get footprints, and just hold onto their baby without dealing with the realities of forever at that moment.
We aim to give at least one cooling unit per year to hospitals in the US that need them the most, as loss does not hit every demographic equally.
To read Crystal’s Story on her own experience, click here
If you want to help us give the gift of time, we invite you to donate here.
To learn more about cooling units, please see these two websites:
To read more about statistics around stillbirth, click here.

Finally feeling your baby move is a highlight of Pregnancy, but did you know counting those kicks may prevent disaster? Many don't and we aim to change that. We aim to get kick counting brochures in every Texas OBGYN office.
What is kick counting? Just what it sounds like! Starting at the beginning of the third trimester count every jab, poke, or kick you feel until you get to 10. Did it take 5 min? 1 hr? Whatever the time, record it along with start and stop times.
When do I kick count? Ideally, you start at the beginning of your 3rd trimester ( week 28), but anytime is a good start time. Pick a consistent time each day to count those kicks to see best pattern
Why should I do it? By kick counting everyday, you have patterns for your baby’s movements and that makes irregularities obvious. Early reaction, if something is wrong , can aid in avoiding serious outcomes such as stillbirth. In one application, still birth rates dropped 32% in 10 years when kick counts were done
What Do I do if Something is Off? Did it take 2 hours to get to that 10 , when every day for a month it has taken 5 min? Try again in a couple hours. Still off? CALL YOUR DOCTOR Do you see it taking longer and longer everyday when you have been consistent previously? CALL YOUR DOCTOR . Trust your instincts.
There are even apps and bracelets out there so you don’t have to keep up with pen and paper.
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